
Welcome to Passionate Knowledge! Thank you for coming! Enjoy, and leave comments or send an email with ideas or questions!

What is Passionate Knowledge?

I started this blog as a project for my online communications class at school, but it is really the heart of the ministry I hope to have one day, and through this blog, today. I believe God wants us to be passionate for Him in our walk. But I also believe He wants us to pursue knowledge, both about Him and about His Word.  Christians tend to do well in one area or the other, but struggle to have both. I try to cover topics that are relevant today, and I  present them in a way that is applicable and also reliant on God’s Word. It is my hope and prayer that you would benefit from what you find, and are able to learn and apply these truths to your life.

About Me

Why Christianity? Because Jesus Christ came to earth, died on a cross, and rose again in order to save you from your sins. He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you. But first, you must be saved.  Watch this short video for more information, or please contact me. I love you and I am praying for each person who reads this blog.



“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” Rick Warren Today marks not only the end of another year but the end of another decade! I was looking online at some highlights from the past ten years, and there were some great moments and others that made me …
